Best Friends Holiday Match


Best Friends members have once again come through for us in a big way! We made our goal of raising $2.5 Million for the animals! But there's still time left in 2011 to make your tax-deductible donation. Your dollars will no longer be matched, but they will go to the area of greatest need - so please, give as generously as you can using our secure form below.

Thank you! 

*For users outside the United States, you can make your donation here: Give now!

Enter Name and Address

  1. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
  2. The name you enter must match the name on your credit card.

Donation Amount

When you make a gift of $25 or more, you can opt to receive the Best Friends Magazine and stay connected to the lives you are saving! Be sure to select your gift amount by clicking the radio buttons below!


Tribute Information

Making a gift as a tribute to a loved one this holiday season? Use this section to select your gift type (in honor or memory); then select how you want your loved one to be notified!

Yes No
E-mail Mail

Payment Information

To be a Guardian Angel to the animals, go to the drop-down below and select "Monthly" for payment frequency. If you are already a Guardian Angel, but would like to adjust your donation amount, please call 435-644-2001 ext. 4801.


Due to our enhanced security features, you will be allowed 3 attempts to make your donation before getting locked out for the day. Please make sure your information is correct!